How to Vote Liberal
자유당에 투표 하시는 방법

Unsure how to vote?

Voting in this election is very simple. To vote Liberal for Mayor, just put a ‘1’ in the top of the ballot. You can just vote ‘1’ this election – you do not need to number every box.



To vote for your Liberal Councillors, just put a ‘1’ in the Liberal box above the thick line. Do not number any boxes below the thick line. You can just vote ‘1’ this election – you do not need to number every box.


How to vote for Mayor Trenton Brown:


To vote for Mayor Trenton Brown, just put a number ‘1’ in the top box of the ballot as shown. You do not need to number every box.


请投特伦顿市长 一票。你只须在Trenton Brown 的空格填上数目字[1]便可。无需填满其余的空格。


트렌턴 브라운 시장에게 1표를 부탁합니다. 트렌턴 브라운의 칸에 [1]을 적어주세요. 모든 칸에 번호를 매길 필요는 없습니다.

For Mayor Trenton Brown

How to vote Liberal if you live in West Ward (Eastwood, Marsfield, Melrose Park, Denistone, Denistone West, Macquarie Park, West Ryde, and parts of Denistone East):


To vote for Councillor Justin Li and Kathy Tracey, fill in [1] at the Group B square above the thick pink line. If you wish, you can also put a [2] as indicated.


支持李頴斌市议员及自由党团队,请在粗线之上的 B 组空格内,填上”1”字。如你愿意,也可同时将”2”字填在指定的空格内。切勿填写任何数字在粗线之下!


자유당 팀 을 지지하시는 방법: 주황색선 위의, Group B 칸에 숫자 [1] 쓰시고, Group A 칸에 숫자 [2] 쓰시고, 선 아래는 모두 비워두기! 굵은 선 아래에는 투표하지 말아주세요!

How to vote Liberal if you live in Central Ward (Meadowbank, West Ryde, Ryde, Denistone East, North Ryde, and parts of Macquarie Park):


To vote for Councillor Shweta Deshpande and Deputy Mayor Daniel Han, fill in [1] at the Group B square above the thick orange line.


한정태 의원을 지지하시는 방법: 주황색선 위의 Group B 칸에 숫자 [1] 을 쓰시고, 주황색선 아래는 모두 비워두기! 굵은 선 아래에는 투표하지 말아주세요!


支持自由党团队,请在粗线之上的 B 组空格内,填上”1”字。切勿填写任何数字在粗线之下!

How to vote Liberal if you live in East Ward (Putney, Gladesville, Tennyson Point, East Ryde, Chatswood West, Ryde, parts of North Ryde):



To vote for Mayor Trenton Brown and Councillor Sophie Lara-Watson,  fill in [1] at the Group A square above the thick blue line.

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